New lav sound. What's that sound ? I think it's your mic stand or thing.
New lav sound. What's that sound ? I think it's your mic stand or thing.
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[Switch] Let's Go, Pikachu! - !sub !humble !social
[Switch] Let's Go, Pikachu! - !sub !humble !social
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Man walking through signpost + LEDLI
Man walking through signpost + LEDLI
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New sub sound.
New sub sound.
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We did it, chat. silsYAY
We did it, chat. silsYAY
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6 years ago
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Lav Sings! First time trying this out - !charity !sub !humble !social
Lav Sings! First time trying this out - !charity !sub !humble !social
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6 years ago
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Snipermonkey snips in 10K bits!
Snipermonkey snips in 10K bits!
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