[Day 358/730]  "Wait guys, that looks like Kaiba!"
[Day 358/730] "Wait guys, that looks like Kaiba!"
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[Day 342/730]  "I've designed these new hologram do-hickies so they'll help me defeat Yugi."
[Day 342/730] "I've designed these new hologram do-hickies so they'll help me defeat Yugi."
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
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[Day 403/730] "Oh stop it, you aren't fooling anyone." "It's a ghost!" "Tristan doesn't count."
[Day 403/730] "Oh stop it, you aren't fooling anyone." "It's a ghost!" "Tristan doesn't count."
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6 years ago
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hello moto
hello moto
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6 years ago
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[Day 409/730] "See? You're not a ghost at all. You're some kind of clown, apparently."
[Day 409/730] "See? You're not a ghost at all. You're some kind of clown, apparently."
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6 years ago
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idk wat happened
idk wat happened
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6 years ago
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