iStudying Frame One Parry p2
iStudying Frame One Parry p2
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Thank you, Zero
Thank you, Zero
1 vote
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Armada destroys a poor lucina
Armada destroys a poor lucina
5 votes
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It's not fair 1st place should get 60% of the earnings
It's not fair 1st place should get 60% of the earnings
7 votes
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Melee time with Mjöd (arriving pretty soon) in Wizzys honor! 
Hype annoucement at 8PM (local time for me)
!Subgoal !YT
Melee time with Mjöd (arriving pretty soon) in Wizzys honor! Hype annoucement at 8PM (local time for me) !Subgoal !YT
12 votes
5 years ago
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