There's still more out there to see and time... is running out.
There's still more out there to see and time... is running out.
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6 years ago
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[ENG]:  Rush in, try not to die, that seems tactically sound...
[ENG]: Rush in, try not to die, that seems tactically sound...
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[ENG]:Now that the old PC is made let's run the new one into the dirt!
[ENG]:Now that the old PC is made let's run the new one into the dirt!
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6 years ago
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[ENG]: I have a home! Now it's time to get out there and explore some stuff! Wasteland for life!
[ENG]: I have a home! Now it's time to get out there and explore some stuff! Wasteland for life!
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6 years ago
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KB ignores his own warning
KB ignores his own warning
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6 years ago
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Well one of them disappeared.
Well one of them disappeared.
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6 years ago
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Less than 50% of the map explored and we've been at this for DAYS! #NoFastTravel Let's tromp about more!
Less than 50% of the map explored and we've been at this for DAYS! #NoFastTravel Let's tromp about more!
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6 years ago
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