Wandering Skyhold, exploring the wilderness, and pursuing a specialization. (Nightmare difficulty, pew-pew rogue)
Wandering Skyhold, exploring the wilderness, and pursuing a specialization. (Nightmare difficulty, pew-pew rogue)
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Legitimate Batman physics
Legitimate Batman physics
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Trying more Dissidia. Hopefully connections are better tonight.
Trying more Dissidia. Hopefully connections are better tonight.
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Final Fantasy 6 Winter Fiesta! http://fourjobfiesta.com/ff6fcc/ (Sabin, Gau, Relm, Umaro)
Final Fantasy 6 Winter Fiesta! http://fourjobfiesta.com/ff6fcc/ (Sabin, Gau, Relm, Umaro)
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6 years ago
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