RERUN: Vitality vs. Kinguin [Nuke] Map 2 - LB Ro2 - EU Minor Championship - IEM Katowice 2019
RERUN: Vitality vs. Kinguin [Nuke] Map 2 - LB Ro2 - EU Minor Championship - IEM Katowice 2019
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aleksi fakes the ladder sound to bait rez into the zeus
aleksi fakes the ladder sound to bait rez into the zeus
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s1mple - 1vs3 clutch (T - bomb planted after 2 clutch kills - second half pistol round) 2/2
s1mple - 1vs3 clutch (T - bomb planted after 2 clutch kills - second half pistol round) 2/2
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nitr0 ace
nitr0 ace
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LIVE: Faze vs. Cloud9 - IEM Katowice 2019 - Legends Stage
LIVE: Faze vs. Cloud9 - IEM Katowice 2019 - Legends Stage
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