Let's Go: BRYN! Type effectiveness chart slowly getting filled up! (!pokemon for viewer names, #charity with bits)
Let's Go: BRYN! Type effectiveness chart slowly getting filled up! (!pokemon for viewer names, #charity with bits)
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6 years ago
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We're BAAAAAAAACK and we gotta catch up so much
We're BAAAAAAAACK and we gotta catch up so much
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6 years ago
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WINTER FEST! AT Kirin, Lunastra, Kulve Taroth, and MORE! (!discord, viewer games!)
WINTER FEST! AT Kirin, Lunastra, Kulve Taroth, and MORE! (!discord, viewer games!)
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6 years ago
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Shhh, now is the time of sleep.
Shhh, now is the time of sleep.
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march of the bots
march of the bots
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6 years ago
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For once, I feel like we're actually on top of Kingdom management. Lets watch that fall apart immediately.
For once, I feel like we're actually on top of Kingdom management. Lets watch that fall apart immediately.
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6 years ago
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