Magic the Gathering: Playing a bunch of mediocre half decks poor to get the top.
Magic the Gathering: Playing a bunch of mediocre half decks poor to get the top.
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6 years ago
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FTL: No Pause/HArd Playing some FTL tuns into something else. I dunno what else. Life is like FTL man, dynamic, interesting, and HARD AF.
FTL: No Pause/HArd Playing some FTL tuns into something else. I dunno what else. Life is like FTL man, dynamic, interesting, and HARD AF.
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6 years ago
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Battle Brothers: New DLC Getting shot in the face with crossbow simulator. Only people who get shot in the face with crossbows can watch.
Battle Brothers: New DLC Getting shot in the face with crossbow simulator. Only people who get shot in the face with crossbows can watch.
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6 years ago
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CatonmarzCatonmarz playing Hades
6 years ago
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FTL: No Pause/Hard boy it has been a while since I've done this. I wonder if Tully missed me. He probably didn't. He doesn't seem the type.
FTL: No Pause/Hard boy it has been a while since I've done this. I wonder if Tully missed me. He probably didn't. He doesn't seem the type.
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6 years ago
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cat reads chat some smut
cat reads chat some smut
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2 years ago
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one way out
one way out
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2 years ago
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