Brazilians, Australians, F-bomb and finger.
Brazilians, Australians, F-bomb and finger.
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arT - 3 quick XM1014 kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B defense (4vs5 situation)
arT - 3 quick XM1014 kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B defense (4vs5 situation)
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Caster makes yikes warcrime comment in chinese tournament
Caster makes yikes warcrime comment in chinese tournament
6 votes
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s1mple quick double to cripple the offense
s1mple quick double to cripple the offense
8 votes
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ZywOo - ACE
ZywOo - ACE
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olof ACE
olof ACE
22 votes
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nitr0 VAC shot
nitr0 VAC shot
53 votes
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