Pasha carrying the trophy to the stage
Pasha carrying the trophy to the stage
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woxic - stunning Glock ACE (5 HS - second half pistol round)
woxic - stunning Glock ACE (5 HS - second half pistol round)
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s1mpletakes down three on the offense (Inferno)
s1mpletakes down three on the offense (Inferno)
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s1mple & electronic are not at Na'Vi Bootcamp [playing from home]
s1mple & electronic are not at Na'Vi Bootcamp [playing from home]
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s1mple's 1vs5 clutch attempt (T - post-plant situation) is denied by the final CT (mantuu)
s1mple's 1vs5 clutch attempt (T - post-plant situation) is denied by the final CT (mantuu)
37 votes
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