Booty has the metal like damn
Booty has the metal like damn
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6 years ago
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the fox strikes
the fox strikes
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!charity !rewards Halovember Day 14! I'm Not Doing This For Mankind! (LEGENDARY)
!charity !rewards Halovember Day 14! I'm Not Doing This For Mankind! (LEGENDARY)
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Tanaka is like a cat, can't decide if they want in or out.
Tanaka is like a cat, can't decide if they want in or out.
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6 years ago
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Vale the fail and flail whale.
Vale the fail and flail whale.
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6 years ago
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Doesn't matter if it's a bush, or a tush, either way... FRICK IT!
Doesn't matter if it's a bush, or a tush, either way... FRICK IT!
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Blink and you'll miss it- oh it's over.
Blink and you'll miss it- oh it's over.
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