Aerial quad kill to secure the first pistol round (Train)
Aerial quad kill to secure the first pistol round (Train)
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GeT_RiGhT 1v2 clutch (Mirage)
GeT_RiGhT 1v2 clutch (Mirage)
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Gratisfaction trades himself for three (Inferno)
Gratisfaction trades himself for three (Inferno)
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insane ace
insane ace
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chelo - 4 AK kills (2 HS) to eliminate the CTs attempting to push from bombsite B to Ladder Room
chelo - 4 AK kills (2 HS) to eliminate the CTs attempting to push from bombsite B to Ladder Room
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brollan 1v3
brollan 1v3
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kennyS scared
kennyS scared
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