Coldzera Falling off of Vertigo on LAN
Coldzera Falling off of Vertigo on LAN
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speed4k - 3 quick Glock HS kills on the bombsite B bomb plant defense (second half pistol round)
speed4k - 3 quick Glock HS kills on the bombsite B bomb plant defense (second half pistol round)
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nexa pulls off the defuse to win the map (Dust2)
nexa pulls off the defuse to win the map (Dust2)
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CeRq snipes down three on the defense
CeRq snipes down three on the defense
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AVANGAR re-take
AVANGAR re-take
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Spunj xD
Spunj xD
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Jame triple kill hold (Vertigo)
Jame triple kill hold (Vertigo)
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