Coldzera Falling off of Vertigo on LAN
Coldzera Falling off of Vertigo on LAN
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Astralis crowd
Astralis crowd
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twist snipes down four to secure the map (Mirage)
twist snipes down four to secure the map (Mirage)
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dupreeh cuts off the rotation with a 3k (Vertigo)
dupreeh cuts off the rotation with a 3k (Vertigo)
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kscerato crisp 4k
kscerato crisp 4k
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A s1mple theory [EN] Renegades vs Natus Vincere | StarSeries i-League S7 |
A s1mple theory [EN] Renegades vs Natus Vincere | StarSeries i-League S7 |
7 votes
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