Coldzera Falling off of Vertigo on LAN
Coldzera Falling off of Vertigo on LAN
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ottoNd (T) resolves the 2vs2 post-plant situation with 2 SG556 kills (including 1vs1 clutch)
ottoNd (T) resolves the 2vs2 post-plant situation with 2 SG556 kills (including 1vs1 clutch)
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dexter - 1vs2 P250 clutch (T - post-plant situation - second half pistol round)
dexter - 1vs2 P250 clutch (T - post-plant situation - second half pistol round)
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Zonic contemplating life
Zonic contemplating life
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flamie - 3 quick AK HS kills on the bombsite A defense (initial frags)
flamie - 3 quick AK HS kills on the bombsite A defense (initial frags)
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So pathetic loool
So pathetic loool
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s1mple takes down two to enable zeus for the clutch (Inferno)
s1mple takes down two to enable zeus for the clutch (Inferno)
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