kangaroo KO
kangaroo KO
12 votes
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es3tag - 4 MP9 kills on the bombsite B defense (finishing frags)
es3tag - 4 MP9 kills on the bombsite B defense (finishing frags)
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YnK deags down three (Mirage)
YnK deags down three (Mirage)
2 votes
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xccurate shuts down C9 with an ACE
xccurate shuts down C9 with an ACE
3 votes
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s1mple about col/navi
s1mple about col/navi
3 votes
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Stunna YeHawww!
Stunna YeHawww!
5 votes
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flusha forgets the clock
flusha forgets the clock
9 votes
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