Pimp is Rock Lee
Pimp is Rock Lee
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device 4 man spray down (Train)
device 4 man spray down (Train)
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arT - 4 kills (3 M4A1-S, USP-S) on the Mid to bombsite B push (initial frags)
arT - 4 kills (3 M4A1-S, USP-S) on the Mid to bombsite B push (initial frags)
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karrigan 1v3
karrigan 1v3
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blameF - 4 SG556 kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B defense (vs upgraded pistols)
blameF - 4 SG556 kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B defense (vs upgraded pistols)
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machine and stunna doing closing segment
machine and stunna doing closing segment
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Tarik signing content on the camera
Tarik signing content on the camera
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