JW - 3 quick AK kills (2 HS) on the Yard defense (initial frags - vs mostly upgraded pistols)
JW - 3 quick AK kills (2 HS) on the Yard defense (initial frags - vs mostly upgraded pistols)
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destiny (CT) - 3 quick M4A4 kills on the flank
destiny (CT) - 3 quick M4A4 kills on the flank
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JaCkz arm sleeve
JaCkz arm sleeve
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RPK deags down three (Dust2)
RPK deags down three (Dust2)
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suNny - 3 USP-S HS kills on the bombsite A defense (pistol round)
suNny - 3 USP-S HS kills on the bombsite A defense (pistol round)
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EliGE 1v2 clutch (Dust2)
EliGE 1v2 clutch (Dust2)
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when you're an ence fan
when you're an ence fan
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