yuurih clutch 1vs1 | Draft5.gg
yuurih clutch 1vs1 | Draft5.gg
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Liazz denies the retake with a 3k to secure the first round for Renegades (Dust2)
Liazz denies the retake with a 3k to secure the first round for Renegades (Dust2)
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REZ swift double to enable the retake
REZ swift double to enable the retake
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nexa - 1vs3 clutch (CT - bomb planted after 1 clutch kill)
nexa - 1vs3 clutch (CT - bomb planted after 1 clutch kill)
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kennyS scared
kennyS scared
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Ethan ridiculous quad kill with the AWP to deny the plant (Overpass)
Ethan ridiculous quad kill with the AWP to deny the plant (Overpass)
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