leo_druNky - 3 quick USP-S HS kills on the defense (including 1st person perspective REPLAY)
leo_druNky - 3 quick USP-S HS kills on the defense (including 1st person perspective REPLAY)
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Spiidi - 1vs3 clutch (CT - post-plant situation)
Spiidi - 1vs3 clutch (CT - post-plant situation)
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somebody - 4 Glock HS kills on the bombsite A offensive (pistol round)
somebody - 4 Glock HS kills on the bombsite A offensive (pistol round)
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HEN1 snipes down three to earn map and series point (Overpass)
HEN1 snipes down three to earn map and series point (Overpass)
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FalleN taps down three to secure the pistol round (Mirage)
FalleN taps down three to secure the pistol round (Mirage)
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K1to as no time to defuse the bomb because he doesnt realise the last player is dead.
K1to as no time to defuse the bomb because he doesnt realise the last player is dead.
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allu 4k
allu 4k
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