2 votes
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nexa - 1vs2 clutch (T - pre-plant situation)
nexa - 1vs2 clutch (T - pre-plant situation)
0 votes
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Golden quad kill in the first pistol round (Train)
Golden quad kill in the first pistol round (Train)
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e3tag quad kill hold (Inferno)
e3tag quad kill hold (Inferno)
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VINI taps down three in the second pistol round (Overpass)
VINI taps down three in the second pistol round (Overpass)
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qikert and Jame win the 2v4 (Overpass)
qikert and Jame win the 2v4 (Overpass)
3 votes
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shox gets 2k, scratches his nose and walks past an enemy, finishes up with another 2k
shox gets 2k, scratches his nose and walks past an enemy, finishes up with another 2k
13 votes
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