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happy whiff and zywoo 3k
happy whiff and zywoo 3k
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Brollan - 3 USP-S kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B defense (pistol round)
Brollan - 3 USP-S kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B defense (pistol round)
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xsepower - 4 Scout kills on the defense (vs Deagles)
xsepower - 4 Scout kills on the defense (vs Deagles)
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Magisk holds the line with a 3k (Nuke)
Magisk holds the line with a 3k (Nuke)
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Valve plz fix
Valve plz fix
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dupreeh shuts down Liquid with a quad kill on the defense (Overpass)
dupreeh shuts down Liquid with a quad kill on the defense (Overpass)
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