Kjaerbye - 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation) to set North on match point
Kjaerbye - 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation) to set North on match point
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almazer - 4 AUG kills on the Long defense (initial frags - vs pistols)
almazer - 4 AUG kills on the Long defense (initial frags - vs pistols)
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KSCERATO quad kill on the offense (Mirage)
KSCERATO quad kill on the offense (Mirage)
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apEX quad kill in the first pistol round
apEX quad kill in the first pistol round
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tarik triple kill hold (Train)
tarik triple kill hold (Train)
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AmaNEk gettintg block IRL
AmaNEk gettintg block IRL
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10 second ninja by JackZ
10 second ninja by JackZ
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