JW 4K while he's saved by a pane of glass
JW 4K while he's saved by a pane of glass
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GeT_RiGhT - 3 AUG kills on the Short defense
GeT_RiGhT - 3 AUG kills on the Short defense
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Stanislaw snipes down three on the defense (Train)
Stanislaw snipes down three on the defense (Train)
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Sprout fail to check the corner / Tabsen 3k
Sprout fail to check the corner / Tabsen 3k
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rain 4k on the retake
rain 4k on the retake
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xand - 3 AUG kills on the bombsite B defense (vs split offensive)
xand - 3 AUG kills on the bombsite B defense (vs split offensive)
4 votes
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Krad 1v4 clutch
Krad 1v4 clutch
7 votes
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