speed4k - 3 quick Glock HS kills on the bombsite B bomb plant defense (second half pistol round)
speed4k - 3 quick Glock HS kills on the bombsite B bomb plant defense (second half pistol round)
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facecrack stunning quad kill hold to keep forZe alive (Inferno)
facecrack stunning quad kill hold to keep forZe alive (Inferno)
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dev1ce destroys everything
dev1ce destroys everything
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1 vote
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GeT_RiGhT holds the line with a 3k (Mirage)
GeT_RiGhT holds the line with a 3k (Mirage)
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DEVICE 1X1 / Draft5.gg
DEVICE 1X1 / Draft5.gg
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Very critical, rightfully so
Very critical, rightfully so
7 votes
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