xand quase garante o 1v3 clutch | Draft5.gg
xand quase garante o 1v3 clutch | Draft5.gg
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moose - 1vs3 clutch (T - pre-plant) to nullify ableJ's 4 earlier AUG kills on the B defense
moose - 1vs3 clutch (T - pre-plant) to nullify ableJ's 4 earlier AUG kills on the B defense
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huNter - 3 quick CZ75A HS kills on the Mid defense (initial frags - pistol round)
huNter - 3 quick CZ75A HS kills on the Mid defense (initial frags - pistol round)
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REZ secures the round with a 3k (Dust2)
REZ secures the round with a 3k (Dust2)
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furia without krieg
furia without krieg
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2 votes
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Tarik insane clutch
Tarik insane clutch
32 votes
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