Summer breaks the defense with a 4k
Summer breaks the defense with a 4k
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k1to - 3 SG556 kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B bomb plant defense (initial 2vs3 situation - w/ 1vs1)
k1to - 3 SG556 kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B bomb plant defense (initial 2vs3 situation - w/ 1vs1)
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GuardiaN's guardian angel
GuardiaN's guardian angel
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JaCkz earns map point with a quad kill hold
JaCkz earns map point with a quad kill hold
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ropz flashes into a quick double (Mirage)
ropz flashes into a quick double (Mirage)
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dupreeh cuts off the rotation with a 3k (Vertigo)
dupreeh cuts off the rotation with a 3k (Vertigo)
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Xizt ninja
Xizt ninja
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