syvat trades himself for three (Overpass)
syvat trades himself for three (Overpass)
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KSCERATO - 3 quick AUG kills on the bombsite A defense (2vs3 situation - from Rafters location)
KSCERATO - 3 quick AUG kills on the bombsite A defense (2vs3 situation - from Rafters location)
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Zeus - 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation) to set Natus Vincere on 12 rounds after their T side
Zeus - 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation) to set Natus Vincere on 12 rounds after their T side
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stavn - ACE (1vs5 clutch) to secure an eco round win (Part 1 - mostly opponent perspectives)
stavn - ACE (1vs5 clutch) to secure an eco round win (Part 1 - mostly opponent perspectives)
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s1mple takes down two through the smoke (Inferno)
s1mple takes down two through the smoke (Inferno)
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ZywOo quad kill hold (Dust2)
ZywOo quad kill hold (Dust2)
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