Astralis outplays G2 with the bomb
Astralis outplays G2 with the bomb
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Thanks Mr Camera man
Thanks Mr Camera man
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HEN1 - instant 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation) showcasing great recoil control
HEN1 - instant 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation) showcasing great recoil control
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Jame snipes down three to wrap up the half (Mirage)
Jame snipes down three to wrap up the half (Mirage)
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Golden doesn’t need a gun, he’s charging with a glock
Golden doesn’t need a gun, he’s charging with a glock
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electronic takes down three on the offense to enable the clutch for Zeus (Inferno)
electronic takes down three on the offense to enable the clutch for Zeus (Inferno)
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kennyS shuts down Na`Vi with a quad kill (Dust2)
kennyS shuts down Na`Vi with a quad kill (Dust2)
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