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JW - 3 quick AK kills (2 HS) on the Yard defense (initial frags - vs mostly upgraded pistols)
JW - 3 quick AK kills (2 HS) on the Yard defense (initial frags - vs mostly upgraded pistols)
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AZR quad kill to secure the map (Vertigo)
AZR quad kill to secure the map (Vertigo)
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ZywOo anti-eco 4k (Inferno)
ZywOo anti-eco 4k (Inferno)
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Qikert save fail
Qikert save fail
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twist wraps up the half with an ACE (Dust2)
twist wraps up the half with an ACE (Dust2)
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Crowd member fakes a kiss towards his girlfriend
Crowd member fakes a kiss towards his girlfriend
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