tarik takes down three on the defense (Train)
tarik takes down three on the defense (Train)
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Sprout fail to check the corner / Tabsen 3k
Sprout fail to check the corner / Tabsen 3k
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gade triple kill hold (Mirage)
gade triple kill hold (Mirage)
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XANTARES' 4 SG553 kills (3 HS) on the bombsite B offensive prove insufficient for the round win
XANTARES' 4 SG553 kills (3 HS) on the bombsite B offensive prove insufficient for the round win
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almazer 1v5
almazer 1v5
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Astralis outplays G2 with the bomb
Astralis outplays G2 with the bomb
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forester alt tabs during major LMAO
forester alt tabs during major LMAO
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