Liazz ace
Liazz ace
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REZ quad kill to shut down the retake (Train)
REZ quad kill to shut down the retake (Train)
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Kntz - 4 kills (2 AK, 2 SG556 HS) on the Ladder Room to bombsite A offensive (opponent perspectives)
Kntz - 4 kills (2 AK, 2 SG556 HS) on the Ladder Room to bombsite A offensive (opponent perspectives)
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STYKO - instant 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation) to secure NoChance's first round win
STYKO - instant 1vs2 clutch (T - post-plant situation) to secure NoChance's first round win
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ZywOo taps down three on the defense
ZywOo taps down three on the defense
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