Gratisfaction quad kill hold (Inferno)
Gratisfaction quad kill hold (Inferno)
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Xyp9x takes down three on the offense (Train)
Xyp9x takes down three on the offense (Train)
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XANTARES' 4 SG553 kills (3 HS) on the bombsite B offensive prove insufficient for the round win
XANTARES' 4 SG553 kills (3 HS) on the bombsite B offensive prove insufficient for the round win
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Lekr0 takes down three to deny the retake (Nuke)
Lekr0 takes down three to deny the retake (Nuke)
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valde's (T) 1vs5 clutch attempt is denied after 3 SG556 kills on the bombsite A offensive
valde's (T) 1vs5 clutch attempt is denied after 3 SG556 kills on the bombsite A offensive
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This animal harrasment is getting out of hand
This animal harrasment is getting out of hand
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GuardiaN snipes down Renegades for the ACE (Train)
GuardiaN snipes down Renegades for the ACE (Train)
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