Boombl4 breaks the defense with a 3k (Dust2)
Boombl4 breaks the defense with a 3k (Dust2)
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karrigan takes down three to secure the map
karrigan takes down three to secure the map
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Brollan quad kill on the offense (Dust2)
Brollan quad kill on the offense (Dust2)
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somedieyoung - 3 quick M4A4 kills on the bombsite A defense (vs Connector defense)
somedieyoung - 3 quick M4A4 kills on the bombsite A defense (vs Connector defense)
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Jame snipes down three to wrap up the half (Mirage)
Jame snipes down three to wrap up the half (Mirage)
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r6 roast
r6 roast
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lekro and f0rest huge 2v4 to pull the game back
lekro and f0rest huge 2v4 to pull the game back
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