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somedieyoung takes down three to make up for the two man deficit  (Mirage)
somedieyoung takes down three to make up for the two man deficit (Mirage)
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Lekr0 completes the flawless pistol round for NiP with a 3k (Dust2)
Lekr0 completes the flawless pistol round for NiP with a 3k (Dust2)
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forester snipes down three on the defense (Overpass)
forester snipes down three on the defense (Overpass)
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When device realized that he broke the Trophy...
When device realized that he broke the Trophy...
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Pistol Round = 4 Knife Kills ~ defs.pt
Pistol Round = 4 Knife Kills ~ defs.pt
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JaCkz and kennyS take down two each to force OT
JaCkz and kennyS take down two each to force OT
3 votes
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