device 1v3 clutch to steal the first pistol round (Train)
device 1v3 clutch to steal the first pistol round (Train)
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sergej 1v2 clutch (Overpass)
sergej 1v2 clutch (Overpass)
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JW - 3 quick AK kills (2 HS) on the Yard defense (initial frags - vs mostly upgraded pistols)
JW - 3 quick AK kills (2 HS) on the Yard defense (initial frags - vs mostly upgraded pistols)
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Flusha knife 1v2 (Ace)
Flusha knife 1v2 (Ace)
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Flusha shows bomb to cause a rotation from Furia
Flusha shows bomb to cause a rotation from Furia
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2 votes
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Krad 1v4 clutch
Krad 1v4 clutch
7 votes
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