Xyp9x  clutch wallbang
Xyp9x clutch wallbang
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Zywoo's 3K with Semmler and HenryG casting
Zywoo's 3K with Semmler and HenryG casting
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electronic - 4 M4A4 kills on the defense (Part 2 - 1/4 frags) - including 1st person pers. REPLAY
electronic - 4 M4A4 kills on the defense (Part 2 - 1/4 frags) - including 1st person pers. REPLAY
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karrigan outlasts G2 in a 1v3  (Vertigo)
karrigan outlasts G2 in a 1v3 (Vertigo)
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ragdoll gets 50k people
ragdoll gets 50k people
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