eUnited call in the airstrike on Stewie2k
eUnited call in the airstrike on Stewie2k
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Art's 3K with crazy final shot
Art's 3K with crazy final shot
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Over 9000IQ Furia, KSCERATO jiggling the 4 man boost, then teammates fast flank mid when he spots it
Over 9000IQ Furia, KSCERATO jiggling the 4 man boost, then teammates fast flank mid when he spots it
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B1T's 1vs5 clutch attempt is denied by the final CT (Hatz) to set Renegades on map point
B1T's 1vs5 clutch attempt is denied by the final CT (Hatz) to set Renegades on map point
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C9's rookie plays his first round at a major
C9's rookie plays his first round at a major
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