coldzera - 3 Glock kills (2 HS) on the bombsite A offensive (3vs3 situation - pistol round)
coldzera - 3 Glock kills (2 HS) on the bombsite A offensive (3vs3 situation - pistol round)
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shox - 3 Deagle kills on the bombsite A defense (2vs3 situation)
shox - 3 Deagle kills on the bombsite A defense (2vs3 situation)
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3 votes
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Australian CSGO crowd doesn't seem to like Overwatch very much
Australian CSGO crowd doesn't seem to like Overwatch very much
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kennyS 1v2 clutch (Nuke)
kennyS 1v2 clutch (Nuke)
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electronic 1v3 clutch (Inferno)
electronic 1v3 clutch (Inferno)
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9 votes
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