aizy 1v3 clutch to keep North alive (Nuke)
aizy 1v3 clutch to keep North alive (Nuke)
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Coldzera Falling off of Vertigo on LAN
Coldzera Falling off of Vertigo on LAN
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vitality cheering for g2
vitality cheering for g2
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CeRq tries to fake jumping down from heaven by dropping his gun into the water!
CeRq tries to fake jumping down from heaven by dropping his gun into the water!
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8-4 INTZ |
8-4 INTZ |
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Xyp9x scout VAC SHOT
Xyp9x scout VAC SHOT
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Na'Vi forces $12,700 of equipment out of G2's hands in the post-plant exit hunt
Na'Vi forces $12,700 of equipment out of G2's hands in the post-plant exit hunt
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