cadiaN "I don't hear you!" "I'm in your head boys!"
cadiaN "I don't hear you!" "I'm in your head boys!"
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GeT_RiGhT - 3 AUG kills on the Short defense
GeT_RiGhT - 3 AUG kills on the Short defense
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anders are you ok?
anders are you ok?
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EspiranTo quad kill hold (Inferno)
EspiranTo quad kill hold (Inferno)
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qikert saves the round with a swift 3k (Inferno)
qikert saves the round with a swift 3k (Inferno)
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shox 1v2 clutch
shox 1v2 clutch
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allu 1hp 1v3 clutch
allu 1hp 1v3 clutch
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