Rushly's take on a blair witch round
Rushly's take on a blair witch round
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s1mple - 4 AWP kills on the defense (clean round - vs buy)
s1mple - 4 AWP kills on the defense (clean round - vs buy)
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ZywOo 1v2 clutch (Overpass)
ZywOo 1v2 clutch (Overpass)
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flamie taps down three in the first pistol round (Mirage)
flamie taps down three in the first pistol round (Mirage)
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s1mple takes down three on the offense (Inferno)
s1mple takes down three on the offense (Inferno)
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k0nfig 1v4 ace
k0nfig 1v4 ace
11 votes
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