shox - 4 USP-S HS kills on the bombsite A retake (5vs5 situation) to secure the pistol round
shox - 4 USP-S HS kills on the bombsite A retake (5vs5 situation) to secure the pistol round
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Boombl4 - 3 AK kills on the offensive (initial 3vs3 situation) to secure the match victory
Boombl4 - 3 AK kills on the offensive (initial 3vs3 situation) to secure the match victory
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5 votes
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Puppey whispers to his Monitor "I feel like destroying some monitors later tonight, your up first"
Puppey whispers to his Monitor "I feel like destroying some monitors later tonight, your up first"
7 votes
5 years ago
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Kyle, The Shakespeare of Dota
Kyle, The Shakespeare of Dota
9 votes
5 years ago
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GH getting bannend from Team Speak
GH getting bannend from Team Speak
25 votes
6 years ago
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NaVi vs EG craziest pistol round
NaVi vs EG craziest pistol round
27 votes
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