Doc roasts viewer for CSGO criticism
Doc roasts viewer for CSGO criticism
4 votes
5 years ago
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Doc wants to know what the new COD is like
Doc wants to know what the new COD is like
2 votes
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Doc's thoughts on tarkov Pog
Doc's thoughts on tarkov Pog
4 votes
5 years ago
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The back to back video game champion
The back to back video game champion
4 votes
5 years ago
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Doc catches a "hacker" in a Warzone lobby. Viewers proceed to witch-hunt.
Doc catches a "hacker" in a Warzone lobby. Viewers proceed to witch-hunt.
4 votes
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get the job done Doc
get the job done Doc
17 votes
5 years ago
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PUBG in 2019 LULW
PUBG in 2019 LULW
50 votes
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