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b0RUP - 4 USP-S kills (3 HS) on the advanced Mid defense (pistol round)
b0RUP - 4 USP-S kills (3 HS) on the advanced Mid defense (pistol round)
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es3tag - 4 Deagle kills on the defense (Part 1 - 2/4 frags)
es3tag - 4 Deagle kills on the defense (Part 1 - 2/4 frags)
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ZywOo - 2 quick USP-S HS kills on the bombsite B retake (2vs2 situation - pistol round)
ZywOo - 2 quick USP-S HS kills on the bombsite B retake (2vs2 situation - pistol round)
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triple dink
triple dink
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120 votes
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