soda explains how JLP thinks about stuff
soda explains how JLP thinks about stuff
26 votes
5 years ago
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Why everyone loves MOONMOON
Why everyone loves MOONMOON
0 votes
sodapoppinsodapoppin playing VRChat
4 years ago
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"Maybe I shouldn't word it like that... but____"
"Maybe I shouldn't word it like that... but____"
0 votes
4 years ago
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PoppaPoppin meeting his sons mute
PoppaPoppin meeting his sons mute
2 votes
sodapoppinsodapoppin playing VRChat
4 years ago
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Soda POV
Soda POV
3 votes
5 years ago
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soda kills himself (in a video game)
soda kills himself (in a video game)
3 votes
sodapoppinsodapoppin playing VRChat
4 years ago
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soda's take on the carson drama
soda's take on the carson drama
5 votes
4 years ago
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