issaa destroyed
issaa destroyed
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Twistzz crosshair placement 1v2
Twistzz crosshair placement 1v2
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hallzerk and f0rest KappaPride
hallzerk and f0rest KappaPride
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tarik JDM MODE
tarik JDM MODE
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s1mple - 3 AWP kills on the defense to help Natus Vincere tie the map at 12 rounds each
s1mple - 3 AWP kills on the defense to help Natus Vincere tie the map at 12 rounds each
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s1mple - USP-S ACE (5 HS - second half pistol round)
s1mple - USP-S ACE (5 HS - second half pistol round)
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FALLEN confirms that stewie is the IGL for Liquid for the forseeable future
FALLEN confirms that stewie is the IGL for Liquid for the forseeable future
19 votes
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