Pimp embraces the copy pasta
Pimp embraces the copy pasta
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Aleksib - 1vs2 clutch (CT - bomb planted after 1 clutch kill)
Aleksib - 1vs2 clutch (CT - bomb planted after 1 clutch kill)
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super deutchest castingingen
super deutchest castingingen
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kennyS taps down three in the second pistol round (Mirage)
kennyS taps down three in the second pistol round (Mirage)
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coldzera quad kill on the retake (Vertigo)
coldzera quad kill on the retake (Vertigo)
2 votes
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NiKo 1v3 clutch (Nuke)
NiKo 1v3 clutch (Nuke)
6 votes
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device having fun
device having fun
9 votes
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