Alle 4 kills defendendo bomb b (train) |
Alle 4 kills defendendo bomb b (train) |
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ZOREE (T) wins the 1vs4 post-plant with the help of the bomb timer after falling to the final CT
ZOREE (T) wins the 1vs4 post-plant with the help of the bomb timer after falling to the final CT
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meyern impede o plant e fer garante três abates | DRAFT5.GG
meyern impede o plant e fer garante três abates | DRAFT5.GG
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rallen - 3 USP-S HS kills on the bombsite A retake (3vs3 post-plant - second half pistol round)
rallen - 3 USP-S HS kills on the bombsite A retake (3vs3 post-plant - second half pistol round)
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Inferno 8-7 MIBR |
Inferno 8-7 MIBR |
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fer leva quatro pelas costas | DRAFT5.GG
fer leva quatro pelas costas | DRAFT5.GG
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meyern 5k |
meyern 5k |
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