kNgV- - 4 kills (2 Deagle single shot, 2 AK) on the bombsite A defense 1/2
kNgV- - 4 kills (2 Deagle single shot, 2 AK) on the bombsite A defense 1/2
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TACO garante um inesperado 1v2 clutch | DRAFT5.GG
TACO garante um inesperado 1v2 clutch | DRAFT5.GG
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kNgV- - 3 M4A4 kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B defense (3vs3 situation) to secure the map victory
kNgV- - 3 M4A4 kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B defense (3vs3 situation) to secure the map victory
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Podia ser uma vodka né ? kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Podia ser uma vodka né ? kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
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Bida - Orifício ana l
Bida - Orifício ana l
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FerGod 3k no Meio no econômico (Mirage) |
FerGod 3k no Meio no econômico (Mirage) |
7 votes
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KNG 4K /
KNG 4K /
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