kNgV- - 4 kills (2 Deagle single shot, 2 AK) on the bombsite A defense 2/2
kNgV- - 4 kills (2 Deagle single shot, 2 AK) on the bombsite A defense 2/2
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kNgV- - 3 AK kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B retake (initial 2vs3 post-plant - including 1vs1)
kNgV- - 3 AK kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B retake (initial 2vs3 post-plant - including 1vs1)
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Sjuush 4K no bomb b (train) |
Sjuush 4K no bomb b (train) |
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MIBR vence Mirage |
MIBR vence Mirage |
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7-8 MIBR |
7-8 MIBR |
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Podia ser uma vodka né ? kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Podia ser uma vodka né ? kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
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HAVU 10-5 Primeiro half |
HAVU 10-5 Primeiro half |
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