jame clutches a 1v3 ft. 2 awp noscopes
jame clutches a 1v3 ft. 2 awp noscopes
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dupreeh - 3 AWP kills on the bombsite B defense (finishing frags)
dupreeh - 3 AWP kills on the bombsite B defense (finishing frags)
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Zonic reveals Astralis avoiding Krieg: "It's the worst thing that can happen" - ESL Pro League S11
Zonic reveals Astralis avoiding Krieg: "It's the worst thing that can happen" - ESL Pro League S11
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Dupreeh tries to shoot away the grenade
Dupreeh tries to shoot away the grenade
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Sergej did not buy ak and it cost them the game
Sergej did not buy ak and it cost them the game
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